Woken At Day & Lost The Night - Songaiean/Toxcin 吉他和弦谱

We have woken at day We have lost the night Neither of us was clear Neither of us was messed But I wish the daytime would never come Used to fear the night until you're gone...step by step Tell me you never done like this before You said you won't done like this anymore You wanted me to forget these scenes tonight Cause these moments may not be in your mind K E Y B O A R D S O L O F O R 8 B A R S Then I woke up with empty and lone The last night's dream didn't tell the follow-up And I still wonder if it's real or not You told me it's true instead a dream But now it seemed , you wish these scenes that just a dream And now I wish , The messed up person who was me...no one to relied on G U IT A R S O L O F O R 8+4+2B A R S We have woken at day We have lost the night Neither of us was clear Neither of us was messed But I wish the daytime would never come Used to fear the night until you're gone...step by step We have woken at day We have lost the night Neither of us was clear Neither of us was messed But I wish the daytime would never come