City Of Stars - Ryan Gosling/Emma Stone 吉他指弹谱

Ci ty of stars Are you shin ing just for me Ci ty of stars There's so much that I can't see Who knows I felt it from the first em brace I shared with you That now our dreams may fina lly come true Ci ty of stars Just one thing eve ry bo dy wants There in the bars And through the smoke screen of the cr owd ed res tau rants It's love Yes all we're loo king for is love from some one else A rush A glance A touch A dance A look in some bod y's eyes To light up the skies To o pen the world and send it reel ing A voice that says I'll be here And you'll be al right I don't care if I know Just where I will go 'Cause all that I need`s this cra zy feel ing A rattattat on my heart Think I want it to stay City of stars Are you shin ing just for me City of stars You ne ver shined so bright ly